Nursing Tips (559)

Family teaching for a child experiencing Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome should include to thoroughly cook all food in the future in order to kill E. coli, the toxin responsible for the condition.

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome: Family Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Family teaching for a child experiencing Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome should include to thoroughly cook all food in the future in order to kill E. coli, the toxin responsible for the condition.

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome: Family Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Family teaching for a child experiencing Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome should include to thoroughly cook all food in the future in order to kill E. coli, the toxin responsible for the condition.

When administering enemas, lubricate the tip and insert it approximately 3 - 4" into the rectum with the tip angled towards the umbilicus.

Administering an Enema

Cathy Parkes

When administering enemas, lubricate the tip and insert it approximately 3 - 4" into the rectum with the tip angled towards the umbilicus.

Administering an Enema

Cathy Parkes

When administering enemas, lubricate the tip and insert it approximately 3 - 4" into the rectum with the tip angled towards the umbilicus.

For a patient experiencing shoulder dystocia, suprapubic pressure may help to push baby's shoulder off of the symphysis pubis.

Shoulder Dystocia

Cathy Parkes

For a patient experiencing shoulder dystocia, suprapubic pressure may help to push baby's shoulder off of the symphysis pubis. 

Shoulder Dystocia

Cathy Parkes

For a patient experiencing shoulder dystocia, suprapubic pressure may help to push baby's shoulder off of the symphysis pubis. 

In most states, scheduled medications (i.e., those with risk for abuse) cannot be called in over the phone, and refills are not permitted.

Scheduled Medications

Cathy Parkes

In most states, scheduled medications (i.e., those with risk for abuse) cannot be called in over the phone, and refills are not permitted.

Scheduled Medications

Cathy Parkes

In most states, scheduled medications (i.e., those with risk for abuse) cannot be called in over the phone, and refills are not permitted.

Herbal supplements can interact with medications! Garlic, Gingko Biloba, and Ginger increase a patient's bleeding risk with aspirin, NSAIDs, and warfarin.

Drug Interactions: Herbal Supplements

Cathy Parkes

Herbal supplements can interact with medications! Garlic, Gingko Biloba, and Ginger increase a patient's bleeding risk with aspirin, NSAIDs, and warfarin.

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Drug Interactions: Herbal Supplements

Cathy Parkes

Herbal supplements can interact with medications! Garlic, Gingko Biloba, and Ginger increase a patient's bleeding risk with aspirin, NSAIDs, and warfarin.

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Fine motor skills for a preschooler by age include: 3 years: draw a circle, 4 years: draw a square, 5 years: draw a diamond and triangle.

Fine Motor Skills for a Preschooler

Cathy Parkes

Fine motor skills for a preschooler by age include: 3 years: draw a circle, 4 years: draw a square, 5 years: draw a diamond and triangle.

Fine Motor Skills for a Preschooler

Cathy Parkes

Fine motor skills for a preschooler by age include: 3 years: draw a circle, 4 years: draw a square, 5 years: draw a diamond and triangle.

Educate patients on measures to prevent integumentary system cancers including avoiding midday sun, wearing sunscreen and protective clothing, and performing regular skin checks for changes.

Skin Cancer

Cathy Parkes

Educate patients on measures to prevent integumentary system cancers including avoiding midday sun, wearing sunscreen and protective clothing, and performing regular skin checks for changes.

Skin Cancer

Cathy Parkes

Educate patients on measures to prevent integumentary system cancers including avoiding midday sun, wearing sunscreen and protective clothing, and performing regular skin checks for changes.

Fluoride is important for decreasing tooth decay.


Cathy Parkes

Fluoride is important for decreasing tooth decay. 


Cathy Parkes

Fluoride is important for decreasing tooth decay. 

Exstrophy of the Bladder is a condition marked by an infant's bladder being inside out and exposed through the abdominal wall.

Exstrophy of the Bladder

Cathy Parkes

Exstrophy of the Bladder is a condition marked by an infant's bladder being inside out and exposed through the abdominal wall.

Exstrophy of the Bladder

Cathy Parkes

Exstrophy of the Bladder is a condition marked by an infant's bladder being inside out and exposed through the abdominal wall.

Guaifenesin is an expectorant, meaning that it pulls fluid into thin secretions and make them easier to cough out.

Guaifenesin: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Guaifenesin is an expectorant, meaning that it pulls fluid into thin secretions and make them easier to cough out.

Guaifenesin: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Guaifenesin is an expectorant, meaning that it pulls fluid into thin secretions and make them easier to cough out.

Educate patients who experience gout to avoid alcohol, purine-rich foods (e.g., red meat, organ meat, shellfish, high fructose drinks), and "starvation" dieting, but increase their fluid intake and reduce stress.

Gout: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Educate patients who experience gout to avoid alcohol, purine-rich foods (e.g., red meat, organ meat, shellfish, high fructose drinks), and "starvation" dieting, but increase their fluid intake and reduce stress.

Gout: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Educate patients who experience gout to avoid alcohol, purine-rich foods (e.g., red meat, organ meat, shellfish, high fructose drinks), and "starvation" dieting, but increase their fluid intake and reduce stress.

Umbilical Cord Inspection - LevelUpRN

Umbilical Cord Inspection

Cathy Parkes

After birth, the placenta and umbilical cord are inspected for abnormalities. The umbilical cord should contain 2 arteries and 1 vein and have no green/brown discoloration.

Umbilical Cord Inspection

Cathy Parkes

After birth, the placenta and umbilical cord are inspected for abnormalities. The umbilical cord should contain 2 arteries and 1 vein and have no green/brown discoloration.

Filgrastim - LevelUpRN


Cathy Parkes

Filgrastim is a medication used to stimulate the growth of neutrophils in patients with neutropenia. 


Cathy Parkes

Filgrastim is a medication used to stimulate the growth of neutrophils in patients with neutropenia. 

Ways to prevent hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) include performing proper hand hygiene, performing line/tube/drain care per evidence-based facility policy, limiting invasive procedures, and removing invasive devices as soon as indicated.

Preventing Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs)

Cathy Parkes

Ways to prevent hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) include performing proper hand hygiene, performing line/tube/drain care per evidence-based facility policy, limiting invasive procedures, and removing invasive devices as soon as indicated.

Preventing Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs)

Cathy Parkes

Ways to prevent hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) include performing proper hand hygiene, performing line/tube/drain care per evidence-based facility policy, limiting invasive procedures, and removing invasive devices as soon as indicated.

Epistaxis, or nosebleed, is common in childhood. In a child with epistaxis, lean their head forward (not back!) to prevent swallowing of blood.


Cathy Parkes

Epistaxis, or nosebleed, is common in childhood. In a child with epistaxis, lean their head forward (not back!) to prevent swallowing of blood. 


Cathy Parkes

Epistaxis, or nosebleed, is common in childhood. In a child with epistaxis, lean their head forward (not back!) to prevent swallowing of blood. 

During a thoracentesis (drainage of fluid from pleural space), monitor the patient for pneumothorax and hypotension.


Cathy Parkes

During a thoracentesis (drainage of fluid from pleural space), monitor the patient for pneumothorax and hypotension.


Cathy Parkes

During a thoracentesis (drainage of fluid from pleural space), monitor the patient for pneumothorax and hypotension.



Cathy Parkes

Ethnocentrism: The belief that one's own culture is superior to all others. View world from their own cultural viewpoint. Nurses should NOT practice ethnocentrism.


Cathy Parkes

Ethnocentrism: The belief that one's own culture is superior to all others. View world from their own cultural viewpoint. Nurses should NOT practice ethnocentrism.

Expected labs with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Positive Rheumatoid Factor (RF) antibody and Positive ANA titer.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Expected Labs

Cathy Parkes

Expected labs with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Positive Rheumatoid Factor (RF) antibody and Positive ANA titer.

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Expected Labs

Cathy Parkes

Expected labs with Rheumatoid Arthritis: Positive Rheumatoid Factor (RF) antibody and Positive ANA titer.

Enterobiasis (pinworm) is likely to cause a child intense perianal itching which is worse at night

Enterobiasis (pinworm)

Cathy Parkes

Enterobiasis (pinworm) is likely to cause a child intense perianal itching which is worse at night

Enterobiasis (pinworm)

Cathy Parkes

Enterobiasis (pinworm) is likely to cause a child intense perianal itching which is worse at night

Fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin carry a black box warning for tendon rupture. This is a unique side effect that is important to remember!


Cathy Parkes

Fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin carry a black box warning for tendon rupture. This is a unique side effect that is important to remember!


Cathy Parkes

Fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin carry a black box warning for tendon rupture. This is a unique side effect that is important to remember!

If a patient is choosing to leave the hospital before recommended discharge, notify the provider, have the patient sign an "Against Medical Advice" (AMA) form, and remove any IV catheters. Do NOT call security!

Early Patient Discharge

Cathy Parkes

If a patient is choosing to leave the hospital before recommended discharge, notify the provider, have the patient sign an "Against Medical Advice" (AMA) form, and remove any IV catheters....

Early Patient Discharge

Cathy Parkes

If a patient is choosing to leave the hospital before recommended discharge, notify the provider, have the patient sign an "Against Medical Advice" (AMA) form, and remove any IV catheters....

Educate families that an emollient (e.g., baby oil) may be placed on areas of an infant's scalp affected by cradle cap.

Cradle Cap: Family Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Educate families that an emollient (e.g., baby oil) may be placed on areas of an infant's scalp affected by cradle cap. 

Cradle Cap: Family Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Educate families that an emollient (e.g., baby oil) may be placed on areas of an infant's scalp affected by cradle cap. 

Aldosterone increases blood pressure and blood volume by promoting renal reabsorption of sodium (and therefore water!) and excretion of potassium.


Cathy Parkes

Aldosterone increases blood pressure and blood volume by promoting renal reabsorption of sodium (and therefore water!) and excretion of potassium.


Cathy Parkes

Aldosterone increases blood pressure and blood volume by promoting renal reabsorption of sodium (and therefore water!) and excretion of potassium.

For a patient wishing to suppress lactation, encourage the use of a supportive bra for 72 hours after delivery.

Suppressing Lactation: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

For a patient wishing to suppress lactation, encourage the use of a supportive bra for 72 hours after delivery.

Suppressing Lactation: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

For a patient wishing to suppress lactation, encourage the use of a supportive bra for 72 hours after delivery.

Ensure vegetarians get sufficient protein, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids in their diet.

Vegetarian Diet: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Ensure vegetarians get sufficient protein, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids in their diet.

Vegetarian Diet: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Ensure vegetarians get sufficient protein, vitamin B12, iron, calcium, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids in their diet.

Educate families of children diagnosed with lice (pediculosis capitis) that the whole family should be examined and treated.

Lice: Family Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Educate families of children diagnosed with lice (pediculosis capitis) that the whole family should be examined and treated.

1 comment

Lice: Family Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Educate families of children diagnosed with lice (pediculosis capitis) that the whole family should be examined and treated.

1 comment
Culturally competent care begins with identifying your own cultural beliefs and values!

Culturally Competent Care

Cathy Parkes

Culturally competent care begins with identifying your own cultural beliefs and values!

Culturally Competent Care

Cathy Parkes

Culturally competent care begins with identifying your own cultural beliefs and values!

When it comes to lactation, prolactin is responsible for causing milk production, while oxytocin controls the release of milk from the breasts through the "letdown reflex."


Cathy Parkes

When it comes to lactation, prolactin is responsible for causing milk production, while oxytocin controls the release of milk from the breasts through the "letdown reflex."


Cathy Parkes

When it comes to lactation, prolactin is responsible for causing milk production, while oxytocin controls the release of milk from the breasts through the "letdown reflex."

Educate patients that in order to lose one pound per week, they should decrease daily caloric intake by 500.

Weight Loss: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Educate patients that in order to lose one pound per week, they should decrease daily caloric intake by 500.

Weight Loss: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Educate patients that in order to lose one pound per week, they should decrease daily caloric intake by 500.

For effective nonverbal communication, remember your ROLES: Relaxed body language, Open posture, Lean in, Eye contact, Sit squarely toward the patient.

Effective Nonverbal Communication

Cathy Parkes

For effective nonverbal communication, remember your ROLES: Relaxed body language, Open posture, Lean in, Eye contact, Sit squarely toward the patient.

Effective Nonverbal Communication

Cathy Parkes

For effective nonverbal communication, remember your ROLES: Relaxed body language, Open posture, Lean in, Eye contact, Sit squarely toward the patient.

Educate patients to immediately report a rash when taking lamotrigine, as this may be due to Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a life-threatening complication!

Lamotrigine: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Educate patients to immediately report a rash when taking lamotrigine, as this may be due to Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a life-threatening complication!

Lamotrigine: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes

Educate patients to immediately report a rash when taking lamotrigine, as this may be due to Stevens-Johnson Syndrome, a life-threatening complication!

Educate patients to prevent Lyme Disease (a tick-borne illness) by wearing long sleeves/long pants/close-toed shoes/a hat in wooded or grassy areas, and check their body fully for ticks when returning inside.

Lyme Disease: Prevention

Cathy Parkes

Educate patients to prevent Lyme Disease (a tick-borne illness) by wearing long sleeves/long pants/close-toed shoes/a hat in wooded or grassy areas, and check their body fully for ticks when returning...

Lyme Disease: Prevention

Cathy Parkes

Educate patients to prevent Lyme Disease (a tick-borne illness) by wearing long sleeves/long pants/close-toed shoes/a hat in wooded or grassy areas, and check their body fully for ticks when returning...

When administering vaccinations to a child less than 12 months of age, be sure to use the vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh. The deltoid should not be used until the child is over a year old!

Pediatric Vaccine Administration

Cathy Parkes

When administering vaccinations to a child less than 12 months of age, be sure to use the vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh. The deltoid should not be used until...

Pediatric Vaccine Administration

Cathy Parkes

When administering vaccinations to a child less than 12 months of age, be sure to use the vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh. The deltoid should not be used until...

Anabolism describes protein synthesis, while catabolism is the breakdown of protein for energy.


Cathy Parkes

Anabolism describes protein synthesis, while catabolism is the breakdown of protein for energy.

1 comment


Cathy Parkes

Anabolism describes protein synthesis, while catabolism is the breakdown of protein for energy.

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When palpating the carotid pulse, be sure to only do one side at a time to avoid restricting blood flow to the brain!

Palpating the Carotid Pulse

Cathy Parkes

When palpating the carotid pulse, be sure to only do one side at a time to avoid restricting blood flow to the brain!

Palpating the Carotid Pulse

Cathy Parkes

When palpating the carotid pulse, be sure to only do one side at a time to avoid restricting blood flow to the brain!

Thrombolytics may be given within three hours of the onset of symptoms in the case of an ischemic stroke, but are NOT indicated for hemorrhagic strokes.


Cathy Parkes

Thrombolytics may be given within three hours of the onset of symptoms in the case of an ischemic stroke, but are NOT indicated for hemorrhagic strokes.


Cathy Parkes

Thrombolytics may be given within three hours of the onset of symptoms in the case of an ischemic stroke, but are NOT indicated for hemorrhagic strokes.

Cyclosporine is a medication used to prevent organ rejection in transplant patients.


Cathy Parkes

Cyclosporine is a medication used to prevent organ rejection in transplant patients.


Cathy Parkes

Cyclosporine is a medication used to prevent organ rejection in transplant patients.

Kernicterus is a possible complication of hyperbilirubinemia in the infant.


Cathy Parkes

Kernicterus is a possible complication of hyperbilirubinemia in the infant.

1 comment


Cathy Parkes

Kernicterus is a possible complication of hyperbilirubinemia in the infant.

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Transformational leadership promotes teamwork and shared decision-making, and is considered the ideal leadership style.

Transformational Leadership

Cathy Parkes

Transformational leadership promotes teamwork and shared decision-making, and is considered the ideal leadership style.

Transformational Leadership

Cathy Parkes

Transformational leadership promotes teamwork and shared decision-making, and is considered the ideal leadership style.

Chvostek's Sign

Chvostek's Sign

Cathy Parkes

One sign of hypocalcemia is a positive Chvostek's sign. HINT: You check for the Chovostek's sign by tapping the patient's cheek (over the area of the facial nerve).

Chvostek's Sign

Cathy Parkes

One sign of hypocalcemia is a positive Chvostek's sign. HINT: You check for the Chovostek's sign by tapping the patient's cheek (over the area of the facial nerve).

Restraints should be removed immediately once a patient is no longer a risk to themselves or others.

Restraints: When to Remove

Cathy Parkes

Restraints should be removed immediately once a patient is no longer a risk to themselves or others.

Restraints: When to Remove

Cathy Parkes

Restraints should be removed immediately once a patient is no longer a risk to themselves or others.

Prior to initiating hemodialysis, auscultate their arteriovenous fistula for a bruit and palpate for a thrill.

Hemodialysis: Nursing Care

Cathy Parkes

Prior to initiating hemodialysis, auscultate their arteriovenous fistula for a bruit and palpate for a thrill. 

Hemodialysis: Nursing Care

Cathy Parkes

Prior to initiating hemodialysis, auscultate their arteriovenous fistula for a bruit and palpate for a thrill. 

When evaluating a patient's nutritional status, be sure to check: Albumin levels (normal range: 3.5-5) and Prealbumin levels (normal range 15-36).

Albumin & Prealbumin: Normal Ranges

Cathy Parkes

When evaluating a patient's nutritional status, be sure to check: Albumin levels (normal range: 3.5-5) and Prealbumin levels (normal range 15-36).

Albumin & Prealbumin: Normal Ranges

Cathy Parkes

When evaluating a patient's nutritional status, be sure to check: Albumin levels (normal range: 3.5-5) and Prealbumin levels (normal range 15-36).

Medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) is a progestin-only contraception, meaning it is okay for patients who are breastfeeding or have a prior history of clotting!

Medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera)

Cathy Parkes

Medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) is a progestin-only contraception, meaning it is okay for patients who are breastfeeding or have a prior history of clotting!

Medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera)

Cathy Parkes

Medroxyprogesterone (Depo-Provera) is a progestin-only contraception, meaning it is okay for patients who are breastfeeding or have a prior history of clotting!

The "quality" of a patient's pain refers to the words the patient uses to describe it. Examples would be "dull," "aching," "throbbing," "burning," etc.

Quality of Pain

Cathy Parkes

The "quality" of a patient's pain refers to the words the patient uses to describe it. Examples would be "dull," "aching," "throbbing," "burning," etc.

1 comment

Quality of Pain

Cathy Parkes

The "quality" of a patient's pain refers to the words the patient uses to describe it. Examples would be "dull," "aching," "throbbing," "burning," etc.

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Dermatophytosis is a fungi spread through human and animal contact, including tinea capitis (head) and tinea pedis (athlete's foot)


Cathy Parkes

Dermatophytosis is a fungi spread through human and animal contact, including tinea capitis (head) and tinea pedis (athlete's foot).


Cathy Parkes

Dermatophytosis is a fungi spread through human and animal contact, including tinea capitis (head) and tinea pedis (athlete's foot).

Restraints should be applied to a portion of the bed frame which moves up and down with the bed, but cannot move on its own (i.e., not the side rail).


Cathy Parkes

Restraints should be applied to a portion of the bed frame which moves up and down with the bed, but cannot move on its own (i.e., not the side rail).


Cathy Parkes

Restraints should be applied to a portion of the bed frame which moves up and down with the bed, but cannot move on its own (i.e., not the side rail).

Plasma cells are a type of B cell which produce and release antibodies against a specific antigen.

Plasma Cells

Cathy Parkes

Plasma cells are a type of B cell which produce and release antibodies against a specific antigen.

Plasma Cells

Cathy Parkes

Plasma cells are a type of B cell which produce and release antibodies against a specific antigen.