Nursing Tips

Fundamentals (95)

Educate patients on the use of the incentive spirometer. They should inhale slowly and deeply, and use the device ~ 10 times an hour while awake.

Incentive Spirometer

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Educate patients on the use of the incentive spirometer. They should inhale slowly and deeply, and use the device ~ 10 times an hour while awake.

Incentive Spirometer

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Educate patients on the use of the incentive spirometer. They should inhale slowly and deeply, and use the device ~ 10 times an hour while awake.

Things you can delegate to your PN (LVN, LPN): Medication administration, foley catheter insertion, enteral feeding, NG tube insertion, suctioning, tracheostomy care, reinforcement of patient teaching.

Delegating to your PN

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Things can delegate to PN: Medication administration, foley catheter, enteral feeding, NG tube insertion, suctioning, tracheostomy care...

1 comment

Delegating to your PN

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Things can delegate to PN: Medication administration, foley catheter, enteral feeding, NG tube insertion, suctioning, tracheostomy care...

1 comment
Things you can delegate to your CNA/tech partner:  Bathing, toileting, dressing, ambulating, positioning, vital signs, bed making, specimen collection, feeding patients without swallowing precautions.

Delegating to your CNA

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Things can delegate to your CNA/tech partner: Bathing, toileting, dressing, ambulating, positioning, vital signs, bed making, specimen collection...

Delegating to your CNA

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Things can delegate to your CNA/tech partner: Bathing, toileting, dressing, ambulating, positioning, vital signs, bed making, specimen collection...

If there is a tornado, avoid windows, and move patients to the middle of the building (e.g., hallways). If the patient cannot be moved, place a blanket over the patient for protection.

Tornado Nursing Procedures

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

If there is a tornado, avoid windows, and move patients to the middle of the building (e.g., hallways). If the patient cannot be moved, place a blanket over the patient...

Tornado Nursing Procedures

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

If there is a tornado, avoid windows, and move patients to the middle of the building (e.g., hallways). If the patient cannot be moved, place a blanket over the patient...

Restraints should be applied to a portion of the bed frame which moves up and down with the bed, but cannot move on its own (i.e., not the side rail).


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Restraints should be applied to a portion of the bed frame which moves up and down with the bed, but cannot move on its own (i.e., not the side rail).


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Restraints should be applied to a portion of the bed frame which moves up and down with the bed, but cannot move on its own (i.e., not the side rail).

Lithotomy position

Lithotomy Position

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Lithotomy position has the patient supine with their knees flexed and legs abducted. This position is commonly used for gynecologic, rectal, or urologic procedures.

Lithotomy Position

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Lithotomy position has the patient supine with their knees flexed and legs abducted. This position is commonly used for gynecologic, rectal, or urologic procedures.

After general anesthesia, keep a patient NPO until their gag reflex/swallowing ability returns.

General Anesthesia: Nursing Care

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

After general anesthesia, keep a patient NPO until their gag reflex/swallowing ability returns.

General Anesthesia: Nursing Care

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

After general anesthesia, keep a patient NPO until their gag reflex/swallowing ability returns.

Cutaneous pain involves the skin (e.g., a paper cut) while somatic pain involves deeper tissues such as bones and joints.

Cutaneous Pain

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Cutaneous pain involves the skin (e.g., a paper cut) while somatic pain involves deeper tissues such as bones and joints.

Cutaneous Pain

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Cutaneous pain involves the skin (e.g., a paper cut) while somatic pain involves deeper tissues such as bones and joints.

A patient who is lying "supine" is lying on their back in a neutral position.

Supine Position

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient who is lying "supine" is lying on their back in a neutral position. 

1 comment

Supine Position

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient who is lying "supine" is lying on their back in a neutral position. 

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Isotonic fluids do not change the volume of the body's cells.

Isotonic Fluids

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Isotonic fluids do not change the volume of the body's cells. 

Isotonic Fluids

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Isotonic fluids do not change the volume of the body's cells. 

Orthodox Jewish diet

Orthodox Jewish diet

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Orthodox jewish individuals do not eat meat WITH dairy, pork products, or shellfish. A hamburger is OK, but not a cheeseburger!

Orthodox Jewish diet

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Orthodox jewish individuals do not eat meat WITH dairy, pork products, or shellfish. A hamburger is OK, but not a cheeseburger!

Closed-ended questions (i.e., yes/no questions) should be avoided because they do not encourage the patient to elaborate on their feelings.

Closed-Ended Questions

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Closed-ended questions (i.e., yes/no questions) should be avoided because they do not encourage the patient to elaborate on their feelings.

1 comment

Closed-Ended Questions

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Closed-ended questions (i.e., yes/no questions) should be avoided because they do not encourage the patient to elaborate on their feelings.

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Corrections to Documentation - LevelUpRN

Corrections to Documentation

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

If the nurse should make an error while documenting on a written error, cross out the error with one line and add initials, date, and time. Do not use correction...

Corrections to Documentation

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

If the nurse should make an error while documenting on a written error, cross out the error with one line and add initials, date, and time. Do not use correction...

OTs and ADLs

OTs and ADLs

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An Occupational Therapist (OT) is a key member of the interprofessional team. They help patients regain their ability to perform their ADLs (Activities of Daily Living). Examples of ADLs: brushing...

OTs and ADLs

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An Occupational Therapist (OT) is a key member of the interprofessional team. They help patients regain their ability to perform their ADLs (Activities of Daily Living). Examples of ADLs: brushing...

As a patient ages, their thirst mechanism decreases. This puts the older adult at increased risk for dehydration.

Dehydration in Older Adults

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

As a patient ages, their thirst mechanism decreases. This puts the older adult at increased risk for dehydration.

Dehydration in Older Adults

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

As a patient ages, their thirst mechanism decreases. This puts the older adult at increased risk for dehydration.

When caring for a restrained patient, a new order is required every 24 hours.

Caring for a restrained patient

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

When caring for a restrained patient, a new order is required every 24 hours.

Caring for a restrained patient

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

When caring for a restrained patient, a new order is required every 24 hours.

Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAPs) may perform hygiene, bathing, CPR, patient ambulation, routine vital signs, and charting of I&Os.

Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAPs)

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAPs) may perform hygiene, bathing, CPR, patient ambulation, routine vital signs, and charting of I&Os. 

1 comment

Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAPs)

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Unlicensed Assistive Personnel (UAPs) may perform hygiene, bathing, CPR, patient ambulation, routine vital signs, and charting of I&Os. 

1 comment
Some important nationally notifiable diseases include anthrax, botulism, chlamydia, gonorrhea, Lyme disease, meningococcal disease, pertussis, syphilis, and tuberculosis.

Nationally Notifiable Diseases

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Some important nationally notifiable diseases include anthrax, botulism, chlamydia, gonorrhea, Lyme disease, meningococcal disease, pertussis, syphilis, and tuberculosis.

Nationally Notifiable Diseases

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Some important nationally notifiable diseases include anthrax, botulism, chlamydia, gonorrhea, Lyme disease, meningococcal disease, pertussis, syphilis, and tuberculosis.

An ethics committee is an interdisciplinary team that may be used to provide guidance in the face of an ethical dilemma.

Ethics Committee

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An ethics committee is an interdisciplinary team that may be used to provide guidance in the face of an ethical dilemma. 

Ethics Committee

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An ethics committee is an interdisciplinary team that may be used to provide guidance in the face of an ethical dilemma. 

An occupational health nurse provides screening, surveillance, and education to prevent workplace illness and injury.

Occupational Health Nurse

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An occupational health nurse provides screening, surveillance, and education to prevent workplace illness and injury.

Occupational Health Nurse

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An occupational health nurse provides screening, surveillance, and education to prevent workplace illness and injury.

Do not wait until the end of the shift to document. Instead, complete charting as soon as possible after performing a task or procedure.


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Do not wait until the end of the shift to document. Instead, complete charting as soon as possible after performing a task or procedure.


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Do not wait until the end of the shift to document. Instead, complete charting as soon as possible after performing a task or procedure.

If a patient is on seizure precautions, pad the bed side rails, and ensure oxygen, suction, and vital signs equipment is in the patient's room.

Seizure Precautions

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

If a patient is on seizure precautions, pad the bed side rails, and ensure oxygen, suction, and vital signs equipment is in the patient's room.

Seizure Precautions

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

If a patient is on seizure precautions, pad the bed side rails, and ensure oxygen, suction, and vital signs equipment is in the patient's room.

Anthrax is a deadly infectious disease which may be used as a bioterrorism agent. It can be treated with antitoxins and antibiotics (e.g., doxycycline, ciprofloxacin).


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Anthrax is a deadly infectious disease which may be used as a bioterrorism agent. It can be treated with antitoxins and antibiotics (e.g., doxycycline, ciprofloxacin).


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Anthrax is a deadly infectious disease which may be used as a bioterrorism agent. It can be treated with antitoxins and antibiotics (e.g., doxycycline, ciprofloxacin).

An epidemic describes an increase in the number of cases of a disease above what is normally expected in a population or area.


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An epidemic describes an increase in the number of cases of a disease above what is normally expected in a population or area.


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An epidemic describes an increase in the number of cases of a disease above what is normally expected in a population or area.

Disaster preparedness involves planning, training, and providing education for unavoidable disasters.

Disaster Preparedness

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Disaster preparedness involves planning, training, and providing education for unavoidable disasters.

Disaster Preparedness

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Disaster preparedness involves planning, training, and providing education for unavoidable disasters.

An employee who is chemically-impaired while on the job should be immediately removed from the work setting, provided safe transportation home, and should attend a formal meeting to discuss the incident within 24 hours.

Chemically-impaired Employee

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An employee who is chemically-impaired while on the job should be immediately removed from the work setting, provided safe transportation home, and should attend a formal meeting to discuss the...

Chemically-impaired Employee

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An employee who is chemically-impaired while on the job should be immediately removed from the work setting, provided safe transportation home, and should attend a formal meeting to discuss the...

Determinants of health include environmental factors (e.g., access to healthy food, pollution, public safety) and social factors (e.g., racism, support systems, education).

Determinants of Health

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Determinants of health include environmental factors (e.g., access to healthy food, pollution, public safety) and social factors (e.g., racism, support systems, education).

Determinants of Health

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Determinants of health include environmental factors (e.g., access to healthy food, pollution, public safety) and social factors (e.g., racism, support systems, education).

Migrant Workers: Increased Risks - LevelUpRN

Migrant Workers: Increased Risks

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Migrant workers are at increased risk for work-related injuries, pesticide/chemical exposure, skin cancer, dermatitis, communicable disease, and dental problems.

Migrant Workers: Increased Risks

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Migrant workers are at increased risk for work-related injuries, pesticide/chemical exposure, skin cancer, dermatitis, communicable disease, and dental problems.

Although most older adults do experience some decline in cognitive function, dementia is not an expected part of aging!


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Although most older adults do experience some decline in cognitive function, dementia is not an expected part of aging!


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Although most older adults do experience some decline in cognitive function, dementia is not an expected part of aging!

During sterile field preparation, open the top flap away from your body first. Then open the flap on the right side using the right hand, and the left side using the left hand. Lastly, open the final flap towards your body.

Sterile Field Preparation

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

During sterile field preparation, open the top flap away from your body first. Then open the flap on the right side using the right hand, and the left side using...

Sterile Field Preparation

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

During sterile field preparation, open the top flap away from your body first. Then open the flap on the right side using the right hand, and the left side using...

Educate patients that canes should be held on the strong side with the handle at the level of the wrist.

Canes: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Educate patients that canes should be held on the strong side with the handle at the level of the wrist.

Canes: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Educate patients that canes should be held on the strong side with the handle at the level of the wrist.

Sundowning is a common finding in Alzheimer's Disease, which is increased confusion or agitation in the evening.


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Sundowning is a common finding in Alzheimer's Disease, which is increased confusion or agitation in the evening.


Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Sundowning is a common finding in Alzheimer's Disease, which is increased confusion or agitation in the evening.

After emptying a closed drain (e.g., Jackson-Pratt, Hemovac), fully compress the canister and replace cap in order to ensure negative pressure is applied to the area.

Closed Drain: Nursing Care

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

After emptying a closed drain (e.g., Jackson-Pratt, Hemovac), fully compress the canister and replace cap in order to ensure negative pressure is applied to the area.

Closed Drain: Nursing Care

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

After emptying a closed drain (e.g., Jackson-Pratt, Hemovac), fully compress the canister and replace cap in order to ensure negative pressure is applied to the area.

A pressure wound base which is covered in slough or eschar is considered to be unstageable.

Unstageable Pressure Wound

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A pressure wound base which is covered in slough or eschar is considered to be unstageable.

Unstageable Pressure Wound

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A pressure wound base which is covered in slough or eschar is considered to be unstageable.

An aggregate is a subgroup or population that share characteristics or concerns (e.g., LGBT+ residents of the same neighborhood).

What is an Aggregate?

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An aggregate is a subgroup or population that share characteristics or concerns (e.g., LGBT+ residents of the same neighborhood).

What is an Aggregate?

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

An aggregate is a subgroup or population that share characteristics or concerns (e.g., LGBT+ residents of the same neighborhood).

For patients with hearing loss, decrease background noise, face the patient, do not shout, and rephrase (but do not repeat) if they do not understand.

Hearing Loss: Nursing Care

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

For patients with hearing loss, decrease background noise, face the patient, do not shout, and rephrase (but do not repeat) if they do not understand.

Hearing Loss: Nursing Care

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

For patients with hearing loss, decrease background noise, face the patient, do not shout, and rephrase (but do not repeat) if they do not understand.

Food deserts are geographic areas that lack sufficient access to grocery stores and healthy food options.

Food Deserts

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Food deserts are geographic areas that lack sufficient access to grocery stores and healthy food options.

Food Deserts

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Food deserts are geographic areas that lack sufficient access to grocery stores and healthy food options.

Written educational materials should be provided in the patient's primary language using layman's terms and an appropriate reading level.

Providing Educational Materials to Patients

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Written educational materials should be provided in the patient's primary language using layman's terms and an appropriate reading level.

Providing Educational Materials to Patients

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Written educational materials should be provided in the patient's primary language using layman's terms and an appropriate reading level.

Avoid recapping needles to prevent sharps injury. If recapping is unavoidable, use the scoop method to minimize the risk of injury.

The Scoop Method

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Avoid recapping needles to prevent sharps injury. If recapping is unavoidable, use the scoop method to minimize the risk of injury.

The Scoop Method

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Avoid recapping needles to prevent sharps injury. If recapping is unavoidable, use the scoop method to minimize the risk of injury.

Patients receiving enemas may report cramping. Lower the solution container if cramping is reported.

Enemas: Nursing Care

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Patients receiving enemas may report cramping. Lower the solution container if cramping is reported.

Enemas: Nursing Care

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Patients receiving enemas may report cramping. Lower the solution container if cramping is reported.

A patient using crutches should be taught to ascend stairs leading with the strong leg and descend by leading with the weaker leg.

Crutches: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient using crutches should be taught to ascend stairs leading with the strong leg and descend by leading with the weaker leg.

Crutches: Patient Teaching

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient using crutches should be taught to ascend stairs leading with the strong leg and descend by leading with the weaker leg.

Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) pumps should only be used by the patient. Educate families/visitors not to press the button for the patient!

Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Pumps

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) pumps should only be used by the patient. Educate families/visitors not to press the button for the patient!

Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) Pumps

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Patient Controlled Analgesia (PCA) pumps should only be used by the patient. Educate families/visitors not to press the button for the patient!

A patient who is practicing how to administer their own insulin injections is functioning under the psychomotor domain of learning, as they are not just thinking, but performing an action.

Psychomotor Domain of Learning

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient who is practicing how to administer their own insulin injections is functioning under the psychomotor domain of learning, as they are not just thinking, but performing an action.

Psychomotor Domain of Learning

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient who is practicing how to administer their own insulin injections is functioning under the psychomotor domain of learning, as they are not just thinking, but performing an action.

Audits are an effective way to measure and evaluate performance when carrying out quality improvement.

Nursing Audits

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Audits are an effective way to measure and evaluate performance when carrying out quality improvement.

Nursing Audits

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Audits are an effective way to measure and evaluate performance when carrying out quality improvement.

A patient on protective/reverse isolation should be provided a private room with positive-pressure airflow. Do not allow flowers or live plants into the room, and screen all visitors for illness.

Protective/Reverse Isolation

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient on protective/reverse isolation should be provided a private room with positive-pressure airflow. Do not allow flowers or live plants into the room, and screen all visitors for illness.

Protective/Reverse Isolation

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient on protective/reverse isolation should be provided a private room with positive-pressure airflow. Do not allow flowers or live plants into the room, and screen all visitors for illness.

Beneficence is the ethical principle of promoting good, while nonmaleficence is to avoid causing harm.

Beneficence vs. Nonmaleficence

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Beneficence is the ethical principle of promoting good, while nonmaleficence is to avoid causing harm.

Beneficence vs. Nonmaleficence

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Beneficence is the ethical principle of promoting good, while nonmaleficence is to avoid causing harm.

A patient asked to do a 24-hour urine collection should be taught to discard the first void and then collect all urine voided over the following 24 hours.

24-Hour Urine Collection

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient asked to do a 24-hour urine collection should be taught to discard the first void and then collect all urine voided over the following 24 hours.

24-Hour Urine Collection

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient asked to do a 24-hour urine collection should be taught to discard the first void and then collect all urine voided over the following 24 hours.

A patient on a clear liquid diet may have items that are transparent and liquid at room temperature (e.g., water, clear sodas, pulp-free juices, popsicles, jello, black coffee, clear broth).

Clear Liquid Diets

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient on a clear liquid diet may have items that are transparent and liquid at room temperature (e.g., water, clear sodas, pulp-free juices, popsicles, jello, black coffee, clear broth).

Clear Liquid Diets

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A patient on a clear liquid diet may have items that are transparent and liquid at room temperature (e.g., water, clear sodas, pulp-free juices, popsicles, jello, black coffee, clear broth).