Maternity Nursing - Flashcards
This article focuses on different ways to manage pain during labor. The Maternity Nursing series follows along with our Maternity Nursing Flashcards, which are intended to help RN and PN nursing students study for nursing school exams, including the ATI, HESI, and NCLEX.
Pain management is especially important during labor, because labor, typically, is long-lasting and involves strong and intense pain. There are many options to help control this pain, and helping patients manage their pain during labor is a key responsibility of nursing.
Non-pharmacological measures of pain management
Pain management does not always require the use of medicines. There are many techniques to help distract or relieve patients who are in pain that are not dependent on drugs.
Remember, too, that some patients say they want “natural labor,” which means an unmedicated labor. It is just as important to be able to help them manage their pain.
Here are some non-pharmacological ways to help patients manage labor pain.
Effleurage is a technique that involves the light stroking of the abdomen in rhythm with the patient’s breathing during contractions. Pain is alleviated through tactile stimulation meant to help distract the brain.
Sacral counterpressure
Sacral counterpressure is a technique of pain management used often during labor. “Sacral” refers to the sacrum, located in the lower back, at the base of the spine. Counterpressure “counters” the “pressure” on the sacrum that the patient experiences from the inside as the baby moves down into the pelvis. Pushing the heel of the hand or the fist against the maternal sacrum can help to relieve pain in the lower back. This is especially helpful for patients experiencing back labor — when they feel most of their pain in their back.
Breathing techniques
Breathing techniques include patterned-paced breathing, beginning and ending with a cleansing breath.
These techniques are an important pain management tool during labor. They can be meditative, helping the patient focus on something other than the pain. And, though this sounds obvious, engaging in breathing techniques is a way to ensure the patient is breathing — sometimes when a person is in pain, they hold their breath, but breathing is much more beneficial for alleviating pain than holding your breath.
Breathing techniques are usually taught in classes that prepare pregnant people for labor. Often this includes a partner who learns these techniques alongside the pregnant person in order to help coach the patient’s breathing during labor.
Other pain management techniques
Other non-pharmacological pain management techniques include:
- Hydrotherapy: using water for pain relief (e.g., showers, baths)
- TENS (transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation): a method of pain relief involving the use of a mild electrical current
- Acupressure or acupuncture
- Ambulation and position changes: sometimes having the patient walk the hall of their ward may help alleviate pain
- Imagery: visualizing somewhere calming (e.g, lying on the beach)
- Music
- Heat/cold: alternating heat and cold where it hurts
Pharmacological pain management measures
Knowing the options for pharmacological measures — and understanding what they are and how to use them — is very important when working with a patient in labor.
Systemic pain management measures
Systemic pain management (medicines) for relieving pain during labor include opioids, antiemetics, and benzodiazepines.
Opioids (e.g., meperidine) are strong and effective pain medicines because opioids target the pain itself.
Note that because the mother and baby are linked through their circulatory system, when administering opioids to the mother, the baby will get some as well. This means constantly assessing both mother and baby’s well-being when giving opioids. Look for respiratory depression rates (are mother and baby breathing enough?) or changes in level of consciousness, as well as a significant decrease in fetal heart rate. If the mother is having fewer than 10 breaths a minute, that may be a sign of potential opioid toxicity. The only antidote for opioid toxicity is naloxone.
Antiemetics (e.g., promethazine) may be given to combat nausea.
Benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam) may be administered to help with some anxiety.
Inhaled pain management measures
These medications include nitrous oxide gas (sometimes called laughing gas), which may be self-administered by the patient. Nitrous oxide is delivered through the inhalation route, usually via a mask or something similar. Its effects are immediately reversible — as soon as the patient starts breathing regular air again, the effects of the drug dissipate. Nitrous oxide is an effective way to relieve pain for patients who don’t want opioids.
Regional analgesia/anesthesia
Regional anesthesia is what usually comes to mind when thinking of methods for pain relief during labor. They are called regional because these medications affect a specific region of the body and not the whole body (systemic medications affect the whole body). Regional anesthesia includes epidural or spinal blocks, which we discuss below.
Regional anesthesia also includes local infiltration. While less common, if the provider needs to do an episiotomy (a cut or a tear in the perineum) and make a suture, this would require lidocaine to locally infiltrate that area and numb it.
Pudendal nerve block
The pudendal nerve innervates the genitalia, so a pudendal nerve block provides pain relief in the lower vagina, the vulva, and the perineum. Pudendal nerve blocks would be used during an episiotomy or a vacuum/forceps-assisted birth. This specific nerve block does not affect the belly or help alleviate contraction pains.
For more information on the various types of pharmacological pain management measures, check out our Pharmacology Study Guide & Flashcard Index, a list of meds covered in our Pharmacology Flashcards for Nursing Students.
Regional analgesia/anesthesia
As noted above, regional anesthesias are types of anesthesia in which a local anesthetic is injected near the spinal cord and nerve roots. These block pain in a more broadly targeted region of the body (e.g., belly, hips, legs, or pelvis), but are not general anesthetics. The two common regional anesthesias are epidural and spinal blocks.
Epidural block
An epidural block is administered via a catheter that is inserted into the epidural space, typically between L3 and L4. This allows medication to be administered into that space to reduce or eliminate pain and/or sensation below the umbilicus (from the belly down). Note that while an epidural may provide pain relief, it will not prevent all sensation. Pain will persist. The epidural essentially dials down the pain to make it more manageable.
Epidurals can cause weakness, loss of sensation, and loss of strength, which means continuously monitoring the patient.
One side effect of an epidural block is maternal hypotension (low blood pressure). Monitor the patient’s blood pressure — note what their blood pressure was before the epidural was administered to see if it is fluctuating significantly following administration.
It is commonly necessary to give fluids before administering the epidural. This helps to increase the intravascular volume and increase the blood pressure to minimize a block.
Another side effect is fetal bradycardia, when the baby's heart rate dips below 60 beats per minute (remember that the fetal heart rate is very fast, 110 – 160 bpm).
Spinal block
A spinal block differs from an epidural in that it is administered into the cerebrospinal fluid in the subarachnoid space. This is a one-time injection — there isn’t a catheter that will allow for the continuous administration of medicine.
Spinal blocks affect a much larger area of the body, eliminating pain/sensation between the nipples (T6) and the feet.
A spinal block is typically used for C-sections, so it is administered just prior to birth.
Side effects of a spinal block can include maternal hypotension, fetal bradycardia, and (maternal) headache. It may also increase the risk of maternal bladder and uterine atony (a failure of the uterus to contract following delivery, which is a common cause of postpartum hemorrhage).
Nursing care for patients getting regional analgesia/anesthesia
Nursing care includes administering IV fluids and positioning the mother on their side (relieving pressure from the uterus on the vena cava) to prevent hypotension and allow for optimal blood flow. For a patient preparing to undergo a C-section (and who must remain on their back), place a pillow under their hip.
Monitor the patient’s blood pressure and vital signs continuously, as well as the fetal heart rate.