Maternity - Postpartum, part 5: Postpartum Hemorrhage, Endometritis, Mastitis, Mental Health Concerns

  • 0:00 What to Expect
  • 0:29 Postpartum Hemorrhage
  • 0:52 Risk Factors
  • 10:43 Signs and Symptoms
  • 11:13 Treatments
  • 12:10 Patient Teaching
  • 12:24 Mental Health Concerns
  • 16:53 Risk Factors
  • 17:03 Signs and Symptoms
  • 18:15 Quiz Time!
  • 3:22 Signs and Symptoms
  • 3:55 Labs
  • 4:45 Treatments
  • 5:08 Surgical intervention
  • 5:24 Nursing Care
  • 5:56 Endometritis
  • 6:36 Risk Factors
  • 7:54 Signs and Symptoms
  • 8:59 Treatments
  • 9:20 Nursing Care
  • 9:31 Mastitis
  • 9:55 Risk Factors

In this article and video, Meris Shuwarger, BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN covers the risk factors, signs and symptoms, and nursing care for postpartum hemorrhage, endometritis, mastitis, postpartum baby blues, postpartum depression, and postpartum psychosis.

This series follows along with our Maternity Nursing Flashcards which are intended to help RN and PN nursing students study for nursing school exams, including the ATI, HESI, and NCLEX.

Postpartum hemorrhage

Postpartum hemorrhage is postpartum complication that, in general, means blood loss after delivery. Postpartum hemorrhage is defined differently based on the type of delivery the patient had.

Postpartum hemorrhage is having more than 500 mL of blood loss after a vaginal delivery, or more than 1000 mL of blood loss after a C-section.

Postpartum hemorrhage risk factors

Knowing the risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage is important for your nursing practice as it can help you identify which patients may be more likely to experience this complication. As Meris says in the video, "Who do I need to watch more closely?"

Risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage include uterine atony— lack of tone, also known as a boggy fundus. If the uterus has good tone, the fundus will be firm. But with uterine atony, the fundus is boggy. This is the most important risk factor to know.

More risk factors for postpartum hemorrhage include birth canal trauma (e.g., lacerations, hematoma), precipitous delivery (one that happens very fast), retained placental fragments, uterus inversion or subinvolution, coagulopathies (e.g. disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) or immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP)) that cause issues with clotting, multipolarity (patient having had past pregnancies), multiple births (e.g. twins/triplets), fetal macrosomia (large baby), or magnesium administration.

Postpartum hemorrhage signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of postpartum hemorrhage include saturating a postpartum pad with blood in 15 minutes or less, soft/boggy uterus, large blood clots, constant blood flow from the vagina (as opposed to a trickle), and signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock. Signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock can include tachycardia, hypotension, tachypnea, and cooling clammy skin.

Postpartum hemorrhage labs

Lab values to expect with postpartum hemorrhage include a decrease in hemoglobin and hematocrit.

Postpartum hemorrhage treatments

Treatment for postpartum hemorrhage is different than treatment for a regular hemorrhage. The most important treatment to know for a postpartum hemorrhage is a uterine stimulant. A uterine stimulant will cause the uterus to contract down, which helps close off the bleeding vessels. Important uterine stimulants to know are oxytocin, methylergonovine (Methergine), misoprostol and carboprost (Hemabate).

These medications are covered in our Pharmacology - Nursing Flashcards.

Another treatment method for postpartum hemorrhage is bimanual compression, wherein the provider inserts one hand into the patient's vagina and uses the other hand to massage the uterus. In this case, bimanual means with two hands.

Other treatments for postpartum hemorrhage include uterine packing.

Postpartum hemorrhage surgical intervention

Some patients experiencing a postpartum hemorrhage might even require surgical intervention, like artery ligation, hematoma evacuation, or in extreme cases, a hysterectomy. A hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. As Meris notes in the video, a hysterectomy is a last resort—but you would rather a patient lose their uterus than lose their life.

Postpartum hemorrhage nursing care

Nursing care for a postpartum hemorrhage includes firmly massaging the fundus, administering oxygen, IV fluids, and blood products per orders, and elevating the patient's legs to get the blood flowing back to their heart, lungs, and brain.


Endometritis is infection or inflammation of the endometrium (uterine lining). It is important not to confuse endometritis and endometriosis—although they sound similar. Endometriosis is when tissue similar to the endometrium grows outside the uterus inappropriately, and endometritis is when the actual endometrium becomes inflamed or infected.

The suffix -osis means an abnormal condition or a disease, where the suffix -itis means inflammation.

In the video, Meris describes her own experiences with endometritis with both of her pregnancies, and describes it as very painful and distressing.

Endometritis is the most common postpartum infection.

Endometritis risk factors

Risk factors for endometritis include a C-section (because the uterus is exposed to the outside making it more prone to infection than if it weren't), chorioamnionitis (infection/inflammation of the amniotic sac), retained placental fragments, premature rupture of membranes (PROM), prolonged labor, internal fetal monitoring (again, because an invasive procedure that introduces something from the outside to the inside is always more likely to cause infection than if it weren't done), multiple cervical examinations (although gloves are always worn, there is still a small risk for introducing pathogens).

Endometritis signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of endometritis include fever (always an infection/inflammation/systemic reaction indicator), suprapubic pain and tenderness, excessive and/or malodorous lochia (discharge), tachycardia and hypertension (both indicators of systemic inflammatory response syndrome—SIRS).

In the video, Meris describes more on her personal experience with endometritis, and how it was day 3-5 postpartum, and she was in terrible pain at home (i.e. it almost felt like more pain than her delivery was) but the reason she finally called her provider was the malodorous lochia, which clued her in that something was wrong. Sure enough, she had endometritis, and needed to be treated.

Diagnostics for endometritis include clinical presentation, cervical and blood cultures.

Endometritis treatments

Treatment for endometritis includes IV or oral antibiotics, as well as analgesics. As Meris describes in the video, if endometritis is caught early enough, it may be able to be treated with oral antibiotics, but if it has progressed farther, a patient may require hospitalization and IV antibiotics.

Analgesics are another treatment to help manage the patient's pain.

Endometritis nursing care

Nursing care for endometritis includes monitoring for complications, e.g., sepsis or necrotizing fasciitis. Usually, once antibiotics are administered, the symptoms should begin to resolve.


Mastitis is an inflammation and infection of the breast that can occur as a postpartum complication. Mastitis can be caused by inadequate drainage of milk that results in bacterial contamination. Mastitis is very common with breastfeeding patients who are not able to fully drain the breast of milk.

Mastitis risk factors

Mastitis is very common with breastfeeding patients who are not able to fully drain the breast of milk. This can happen for a variety of reasons, like infrequent feeding, or only feeding on one side. The side that does not get used as much is at risk for developing mastitis. A clogged milk duct can prevent milk from coming through, which can increase the risk of mastitis. Nipple damage, potentially from an improper latch, can introduce bacteria to the environment and result in mastitis, and the same goes for poor hand hygiene.

As Meris explains in Infant Nutrition, Breastfeeding and Formula Feeding, prior to breastfeeding, patients should wash their hands, because it can help prevent mastitis and infections for the newborn.

Mastitis signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of mastitis include classic infection symptoms (flu-like symptoms: malaise, fatigue, body aches, fever). Localized symptoms of mastitis include unilateral pain, swelling, and erythema of the breast.

It is possible to get mastitis on both breasts, but it typically occurs on one side.

Mastitis treatments

Treatment for mastitis includes antibiotics and analgesics. As Meris notes in the video, mastitis is very painful, so patients should be receiving some form of analgesia (e.g, NSAIDs).

Mastitis patient teaching

The patient teaching you need to know about for mastitis is mostly focused on prevention. Good hand hygiene, proper latch, feeding from both breasts. Heat application prior to breastfeeding helps dilate the ducts and improve circulation. Ensure that patients are fully emptying their breasts, which may also require manual expression of milk or pumping milk.

Manual expression and/or pumping milk can be very painful for a patient with mastitis, but it does help move the milk out and ensure good circulation and milk flow. Because of the pain, patients should do it as much as they can tolerate, and it sometimes might be best to begin with manual expression before moving on to a pump.

Postpartum mental health concerns

Postpartum mental health concerns that you will need to know about for your nursing exams include the postpartum baby blues, postpartum depression, and postpartum psychosis.

Postpartum baby blues

Postpartum baby blues can last 1-2 weeks after childbirth. Signs and symptoms include crying, mood swings, insomnia, and a reduced appetite. Postpartum baby blues are a normal occurrence that usually resolve without any kind of official intervention.

Postpartum depression

Postpartum depression occurs within one year of delivery. For example, it could come on 9 months after the baby is born and still be considered postpartum depression. Postpartum depression can include persistent sadness, intense mood swings, rejection of the infant, a flat affect, anxiety, panic attacks, and decreased OR increased appetite.

There are many ways it can present, and doesn't have to include all of the aforementioned signs. The important part to know is that it lasts longer than the previously described 2 week blues. It can last for a long time. It's not considered an expected finding. Postpartum depression requires intervention. In the video, Meris describes the Edinburgh Depression Scale, or the EPDS (postpartum depression scale).

A patient might be screened for postpartum depression by their provider, but also by the child's pediatrician.

A personal experience with postpartum depression

Meris shares her own experience with postpartum depression in the video. Meris's dad died 19 days before her daughter was born. While she did experience the baby blues, she also later experienced severe postpartum depression. When she went for her postpartum checkup, she knew something wasn't right, but was too embarrassed and uncomfortable to bring it up. The only thing she was asked during the appointment was "Do you have any concerns about postpartum depression that you want to talk about with the doctor?"

Meris said no because she was nervous, ashamed, embarrassed, and scared. She didn't want them to think she was crazy. She desperately wanted help, but didn't know how to bring it up.

Fortunately, Meris's daughter's pediatrician scored her with the EPDS at one of her daughter's checkups. He noted to her that her scores were getting worse. He told her that she needed to get help because if she didn't, she wouldn't be there to take care of her daughter. Meris described that moment as being a big wake-up call. She was thankful that he was looking out for her daughter, and her by association.

Meris's advice for nurses and health care workers

Routinely screen patients for postpartum depression. Let your patient know it isn't a judgment call or a morality issue. It's not "you're either a good mom or something's wrong with you." Support your patients so they can be there for their infants. It's how you approach it, and when you approach it as your patient being able to be there for their infant, it can change how receptive the patient is to hearing about it and then receiving intervention.

Postpartum depression treatment

Treatment for postpartum depression can include antidepressants if indicated.

Postpartum psychosis

Postpartum psychosis is an extreme complication that can occur within 2 weeks of delivery. Risk factors include a history of bipolar disorder, but as Meris notes in the video, know that all patients could experience this.

Signs and symptoms of postpartum psychosis include hallucinations, delusions, confusion, and paranoia. This creates a safety risk for the postpartum parent and for the infant. If a caregiver is having delusions, hallucinations, confusion, the infant could be at risk of the caregiver exhibiting erratic or unpredictable behavior that could harm them in some way.

Immediately get help for patients experiencing postpartum psychosis. Be thinking, "how can I immediately guarantee the safety of my patient and their infant?"

Treatment for postpartum psychosis can include antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, and psychotherapy.

Quiz Questions

The nurse is caring for a patient experiencing postpartum hemorrhage. Should the nurse expect the patient will receive magnesium or oxytocin?


Is a patient who had a vaginal birth or a c-section more at risk for developing endometritis?


What is the treatment for a patient experiencing mastitis?

Antibiotics and analgesics

A patient reports experiencing sadness and mood swings for 12 days following the birth of their child. Does the nurse consider this a normal or abnormal finding?

Normal. This is indicative of the patient experiencing "baby blues," not postpartum depression.

Full Transcript: Maternity - Postpartum, part 5: Postpartum Hemorrhage, Endometritis, Mastitis, Mental Health Concerns

Hi, I'm Meris with Level Up RN, and in this video, I'm going to be talking to you about some postpartum complications, including postpartum hemorrhage, endometritis, mastitis, and mental health concerns. I'm going to be following along using our maternity flashcards, which are available on our website,, if you want to grab a set for yourself. Otherwise, if you already have a set, I would invite you to go ahead and follow along with me. All right. Let's get started. So first up, we are talking about postpartum hemorrhage, which is going to be defined differently based on what type of delivery your patient had. Postpartum hemorrhage for a vaginal delivery is going to be defined greater than 500 mls of blood loss for a C-section greater than 1,000 mls or one liter of blood loss. Now, risk factors. Let's talk about risk factors because they're really important here at helping you identify who could go on to have postpartum hemorrhage, who do I need to watch more closely? So uterine atony, a-tony, right? Means without tone. So atony means like a boggy fundus. If we have good tone in the uterus, that fundus is going to be nice and firm. But if we have atony, then we are going to have a boggy fundus. That is a huge, huge, huge risk factor, so much so that it is in bold red text here. Birth canal trauma, so if they had some sort of a laceration or hematoma. Precipitous delivery, remember, we've talked about that in the past, but that's a delivery that is happening very fast. So things are not going through the normal phases of a delivery; things are happening very rapidly, and now I am at risk for postpartum hemorrhage.

Retained placental fragments, uterus inversion or subinvolution. So if the uterus inverts, meaning, here's your normal uterus, and it actually kind of comes out of itself, it turns inside out - of course, huge risk for postpartum hemorrhage - coagulopathies such as DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation, or ITP, immune thrombocytopenic purpura, those, of course, are going to put me at risk for postpartum hemorrhage because it's a problem with my clotting, right? Multipolarity, so patients who have had multiple pregnancies. And also, multiple births. So if we have a patient who gave birth to twins or triplets, they are more at risk as well. And then fetal macrosomia, so a bigger baby means the uterus had to be bigger, which means I have more to contract down higher risk for postpartum hemorrhage. So signs and symptoms, got to know that too. Saturating a pad in less than or equal to 15 minutes, that's our biggest sign. We can see the blood coming out, right, and we are saying it's happening too fast, too rapidly. There is too much of it, soft or boggy fundus, large blood clot. So if we're passing these huge blood clots, that should be a big red flag for you as well.

A constant flow of blood from the vagina. Yeah, we're going to trickle blood out. But if I am just seeing blood coming out of the vagina, that's not normal, right? That is a hemorrhage. And then signs and symptoms of hypovolemic shock. So tachycardia, hypotension, tachypnea, cooling clammy skin. All of those sorts of things are going to be, "Something's wrong. We don't have enough blood volume here." Now, for labs, you will see a decrease in hemoglobin and hematocrit, of course, and that may tell us that we need to give blood to replace the blood that has been lost. So the treatment, though, is very important because it's different than what we would do for someone who had a trauma, like a car accident, and is bleeding out, right? So a big one here is going to be uterine stimulants. If we can stimulate the uterus to contract down, that's going to cut off those bleeding vessels, right? It's going to help to kind of tamponade the bleed itself from inside. So big ones here would be oxytocin. We talked about that before in a previous video. It's given very routinely to all postpartum patients nowadays to just help that uterus contract back down. Methylergonovine, which is also called Methergin, that is another one that is given for postpartum hemorrhage. Misoprostol and Carboprost. Carboprost is also sometimes called Hemabate. I think Hemabate is a great name because it literally means blood stop. So it's a great name.

So anyway, those would be your biggest uterine stimulants here. We can also do bimanual compression. And by we, I mean the provider, so that would involve one hand being inserted into the patient's vagina and the other one being used to massage that uterus. So it's going to be bimanual, meaning two hands. Other things that we can do here would be uterine packing - again, not us, but the provider - and surgical intervention. If we've tried all of these things and they're not working and our patients are still hemorrhaging, we need to emergently be going to the OR to see if we can locate the source of the bleed. And in some cases, we may actually have to do a hysterectomy for this patient. That is always our last resort. It is not something that we just jump to doing, but we would rather our patient lose their uterus than lose their life, right? So nursing care would be firmly massaging the fundus, administering oxygen and IV fluids and blood products per ordered, and then elevating the patient's legs, again, to help get that blood flow back to their heart, their lungs, their brain, right? So all of those things are going to be vitally important.

Now, moving on to a different postpartum complication called endometritis. I know it sounds similar to a condition called endometriosis, but it's not. Very different conditions. Endometritis means infection or inflammation of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. So we now have an infection of the lining of the uterus. And I will tell you, I had this with both of my children. It is very painful, very distressing. It was awful. It was the worst part of having a baby for me. So infection and inflammation inside of the uterus. And risk factors here, think about who's more at risk, right? Your patient who had a vaginal delivery or a C-section? Either one can get it. But a C-section where we have actually cut the patient open and exposed the uterus to the outside, we are more at risk for endometritis. A patient who has had chorioamnionitis, so a different type of infection inside the uterus, is at risk. Retained placental fragments, we don't want to retain anything inside the uterus. Puts us at risk for hemorrhage and for infection. A patient who had a premature rupture of membranes so they had prolonged membrane rupture puts them at risk for infection, prolonged labor. Internal fetal monitoring. Again, think about this. Remember, internal fetal monitoring is an invasive procedure where something from the outside is introduced into the uterine environment to keep an eye on the baby. It puts us at risk for infection.

In the multiple cervical examinations, yes, we wear sterile gloves when doing cervical exams, but there is still the risk for introducing pathogens. And the more we do these exams, the more we are putting our patients at risk. So signs and symptoms, the biggest one is going to be fever. A fever is going to alert us that there's some sort of systemic reaction here going on. Suprapubic pain and tenderness, excessive and malodorous lochia. Remember, we don't want the discharge from the vagina to smell foul. If it smells foul, we are concerned for infection. Tachycardia and hypertension, those can be suggestive of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, or SIRS, which is very bad. So for me in particular, it was probably day three, four, or five postpartum. I can't remember exactly, but I felt terrible. I was in excruciating pain, and I thought this seems like more pain than I was in. I was in so much pain. I was having fevers and chills and night sweats and all of that sort of thing. And the reason I finally called my doctor was malodorous lochia. I thought something is wrong. Sure enough, I had endometritis, and I needed to be treated. So let's talk about treatment. Treatment is going to be with IV or oral antibiotics. Depending on how far progressed it is, you may need to be hospitalized and receive IV antibiotics. If you catch it early enough, you may be able to do oral antibiotics. And then, of course, analgesics, because we are really concerned about the pain for this patient as well. So we're going to monitor these patients for any sort of complications. But, in general, we're going to expect to see that once they begin on antibiotics, their symptoms should start to resolve somewhat.

Now, let's talk about a different kind of infection, mastitis. So mastitis is going to be an infection and inflammation of the breast. And this is very common with breastfeeding patients who are not able to fully drain the breast. Maybe they have inadequate drainage of milk, and that can lead to bacterial contamination and infection. Now, risk factors would be infrequent feeding. So if we are not feeding very frequently or maybe we're only feeding on one side, because the other one doesn't produce as much or the baby doesn't latch as well, that other side that doesn't get used as much is at risk for developing mastitis. A clogged milk duct is going to prevent milk from coming through, putting us at risk for mastitis. Nipple damage, if we have an improper latch, which is causing nipple damage, now we are at risk for introducing bacteria into that environment. And then poor hand hygiene. Remember, I said in a previous video, prior to breastfeeding, we wash our hands, and that is going to help to prevent mastitis and also infections for the newborn. Signs and symptoms are classic. Your patients are going to report flu-like symptoms, so malaise, fatigue, body aches, fever. Again, infection and fever go hand in hand. And then in terms of more localized symptoms, we're going to have unilateral pain, swelling, and erythema of the breast. That is very common. It is possible to get mastitis on both, but typically, it's going to present just on the one side. So antibiotics and analgesics are going to be indicated. Mastitis is very painful, so your patients should be receiving some form of analgesia.

And then for patient teaching, a lot of it is going to have to do with prevention, right? Good hand hygiene, proper latch, feed from both breasts, that sort of a thing. Apply heat prior to breastfeeding is going to help to dilate those ducts and also improve circulation. And then we want to ensure that the patients are fully emptying their breasts, which may also require manual expression of milk or pumping milk. Now, this is awful but when you have mastitis, you are still supposed to try to pump from that breast because it is going to-- it's going to be very painful, but it's going to help. It's going to move that milk out, ensure that we have good circulation and milk flow. But it's very painful, so we're going to teach our patients to do it just as much as they can tolerate, and maybe even do manual expression, expressing milk with the hands rather than a pump at first.

All right. Changing gears entirely from a physical complication to an emotional or psychological one. Let's talk about mental health concerns in the postpartum patient. So there's a couple of different things here that we need to talk about. There's the baby blues, there's postpartum depression, and then there is postpartum psychosis. So postpartum blues or baby blues would be kind of like mood swings or crying spells that lasts for about one to two weeks following delivery. This is normal. I remember when my daughter was born, I would just start crying just randomly, and my husband would say, "Oh my gosh, are you okay? What's wrong?" And I would be, "Hu, hu, hu,"' and I would say, "I don't know why I'm crying." I truly didn't know why I was crying. And then I would have big mood swings where I would be so happy and, "Oh, look at my perfect baby." And then my husband would pick her up, and I would be like, "That's my baby. Give me my baby." I would just have these really dramatic mood swings. But that was very normal. That's okay. It's expected. We're still going to keep an eye on it, right, make sure everything's okay. But if it resolves within the first two weeks postpartum, we're calling it the baby blues. We're saying it's normal. We're moving on.

Now, postpartum depression or PPD, this is going to occur within one year of delivery. So even if it comes on nine months after the baby is born, it is still considered postpartum depression. This is going to be persistent sadness, intense mood swings. It could involve the rejection of the infant. You could have a flat affect, anxiety, panic attacks, decreased or increased appetite. There's lots of different ways that it could present. It doesn't have to be all of those things. But the important thing to understand here is that it's lasting longer than those two weeks, and it can last for a long time. Now, this is not considered a normal finding. This is something where we actually want to intervene, and we do what's called the Edinburgh Depression Scale, so that's the EDS or EPDS postpartum depression scale, is given to patients typically at their postpartum visit and sometimes even by the pediatrician. I'm going to tell you a story about myself. My dad died 19 days before my daughter was born. And so while I did experience the baby blues, I also experienced severe postpartum depression. And when I went for my postpartum checkup, I already knew something isn't right here, but it's embarrassing and uncomfortable to bring it up. And for some reason, the medical assistant did not provide me with the EPDS. Instead, she said to me, "Do you have any concerns about postpartum depression that you would like to talk about with the doctor?" And I said no because I was nervous and ashamed and embarrassed and scared. And what if they think I'm crazy, right? I wanted help so desperately, but I didn't know how to bring it up.

Fortunately, my daughter's pediatrician gave me the EPDS at her checkups. And at one point he said to me, "Meris, you started off pretty high. Your scores are getting worse and worse and worse." And he actually grabbed me by the shoulders at one visit and said, "You need to get help because if you don't get help, you're not going to be here to take care of your daughter." And that was a big wake-up call for me. And thank goodness for this pediatrician. He's not even my doctor who is looking out for me and my well-being and my mental health because he knew that it impacted the health and well-being of my daughter, right? So it's not enough to just say, "Are you having any concerns about postpartum depression?" We need to routinely screen patients, and we need to let them know that this isn't a judgment call. This isn't a morality call. We're not saying that you're not a good mom or that something's wrong with you. We're saying we want to support you better so you can be there for your infant, right? It's a big difference in the way you approach it, changes how receptive your patient is going to be for that.

Now, let's talk about the extreme of this, which is postpartum psychosis. So this typically occurs within two weeks of delivery. Risk factors include a history of bipolar disorder, but I would say, you should just be watching all of your patients for this, and signs and symptoms here are going to be hallucinations, delusions, confusion, and paranoia. So this is a huge safety risk to the postpartum parent and to the infant. Postpartum psychosis, when I'm having delusions and hallucinations and confusion and all of those sorts of things, my baby is at risk for me having some sort of erratic or unpredictable behavior that could harm them in some way. So we need to get help immediately for this patient, and treatment is going to include things like antipsychotics, mood stabilizers, psychotherapy, and that sort of thing. Again, this is all about keeping the patient and the infant safe. First and foremost, we need to make sure everyone is safe. So if any patient ever says that they are thinking of hurting themselves or their infant, you need to be thinking safety, right? I need to be thinking, "How can I immediately guarantee the safety of my patient and their infant?" I hope this review was helpful for you. Be sure to stay on for a few more moments because I got some quiz questions for you to test your knowledge of some key facts provided in this video.

Okay. So first up, I want you to think about the fact that you're caring for a patient who's experiencing a postpartum hemorrhage. Imagine you're caring for this patient. Should you expect that the patient will receive magnesium or oxytocin as a treatment for postpartum hemorrhage? Okay. Next up, is a patient who had a vaginal birth or a C-section more at risk for developing endometritis. Which one? Next up, what is the treatment for a patient who is experiencing mastitis? What two classes of medications would you expect this patient to receive? And lastly, a patient reports experiencing sadness and mood swings for 12 days following the birth of their child. Does the nurse consider this to be a normal or an abnormal finding? Let me know how you did in the comments. I can't wait to hear. Thanks so much and happy studying.

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I have watched all of the maternity videos. They really helped me study for my final. They are a great review and helped me remember things I may have forgotten. Thank you for making these videos for nursing students. The videos truly helped me understand these concepts better.

Peyton Bell

I have officially watched every single video in this maternity series. You explain things so concise and make things easy to understand which is extremely helpful.

I also love how you break down terms using medical terminology so that we can better understand what these words mean just by looking at them and not solely by memorization. When you understand something, you don’t have to have a good memory because you get it. Thank you for making this series for us nursing students who really need it for school and just to stay relevant.


Yay! I got them all right. I love Level up RN

Tiffany Shelton

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