• Meris Shuwarger, BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

    Meris Shuwarger

    Meris Shuwarger BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN is dual board certified as an emergency and trauma nurse and practices at a Trauma Center in Columbus, Ohio and works as a clinical instructor for a local nursing school. Passionate about evidence-based practice and nursing research, Meris also serves as a section editor for the Journal of Emergency Nursing. She lives just north of Columbus with her two children, and spends her free time reading, crocheting, and tending to her houseplants.

  • Education

    • Chamberlain University College of Nursing, BSN
  • Certifications

    • Registered Nurse
    • Certified Emergency Nurse
    • Trauma Certified Registered Nurse
  • Professional accomplishments

    • Wells, S. K., Shuwarger, M., & Green, C. (2024). Supporting the mental health of early career emergency nurses. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 50(5), 586–590. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jen.2024.03.004
    • Why LGBT+ Inclusive Care Matters in Critical Care, ResusX Reloaded Conference, 11/2022
    • Inclusive Care of the LGBT+ Prenatal Patient, California Student Nurses Association, 2/2022
    • LGBT+ Inclusive Healthcare Basics, Level Up RN, 10/2021
  • Affiliations

    • Section Editor, Journal of Emergency Nursing
  • Top Videos & Articles by Meris Shuwarger, BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

  • Fundamentals - Principles, part 1: Nursing Profession and Ethics - LevelUpRN
  • Fundamentals - Principles, part 2: Informed Consent and the Right to Refuse - LevelUpRN
  • Fundamentals - Principles, part 3: Advance Directives and HIPAA - LevelUpRN
  • Fundamentals - Principles, part 4: Intentional vs. Unintentional Torts and Mandatory Reporting - LevelUpRN
  • Fundamentals - Principles, part 5: Theoretical Foundations - Kohlberg, Maslow, Erikson, and Piaget - LevelUpRN
  • Fundamentals - Principles, part 11: The Chain and Stages of Infection - LevelUpRN
  • Fundamentals - Practice & Skills, part 1: Nursing Process, Interdisciplinary Team, SBAR Report, and Continuity of Care - LevelUpRN
  • Fundamentals - Practice & Skills, part 4: Sterile Field - Indications, Best Practices, and Preparation
  • Fundamentals - Practice & Skills, part 15: Fluid Balance, Intake/Output, Fluid Volume Deficit and Excess - LevelUpRN
  • Maternity - Preconception, part 1: Behavioral and Barrier Methods of Contraception - LevelUpRN
  • Maternity - Pregnancy, part 1: Signs and Physiologic Changes of Pregnancy - LevelUpRN
  • Maternity - Pregnancy, part 2: Prenatal Care: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Trimester Visits - LevelUpRN
  • Maternity - Pregnancy, part 3: GTPAL, Naegele's Rule, and Prenatal Labs/Diagnostics - LevelUpRN
  • Maternity - Pregnancy, part 4: Maternal Teaching: Nutrition/Weight Gain, Warning Signs, Unpleasant Side Effects - LevelUpRN
  • Maternity - Pregnancy, part 6: Diagnostics: Nonstress Test, Biophysical Profile, Contraction Stress Test - LevelUpRN
  • Maternity - Pregnancy, part 12: Complications: Preeclampsia, HELLP Syndrome, Amniotic Fluid Abnormalities - LevelUpRN
  • Maternity - L&D, part 6: Fetal Heart Rate Patterns - Normal and Abnormal Findings, VEAL CHOP - LevelUpRN
  • Maternity - Postpartum, part 1: Assessment of Fundus and Lochia - LevelUpRN
  • Peds, part 1: Principles - Types of Families, Family Theory, Parenting Styles, Piaget and Erikson - LevelUpRN
  • Peds, part 4: Principles - Pediatric Assessment, Vital Signs, and Pain - LevelUpRN