Medical-Surgical Nursing

Integumentary (11)

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 11: SJS and TEN - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 11: SJS and TEN

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN), including pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and nursing care for these life-threatening skin reactions.

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Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 11: SJS and TEN

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Stevens-Johnson Syndrome (SJS) and Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN), including pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and nursing care for these life-threatening skin reactions.

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Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 10: Lice & Scabies - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 10: Lice & Scabies

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Parasitic infestations, including pediculosis (i.e., lice) and scabies. Risk factors, signs/symptoms, treatment and patient teaching for lice and scabies.

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 10: Lice & Scabies

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Parasitic infestations, including pediculosis (i.e., lice) and scabies. Risk factors, signs/symptoms, treatment and patient teaching for lice and scabies.

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 9: Lyme Disease - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 9: Lyme Disease

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Lyme disease—the prevention, stages of lyme disease, symptoms of lyme disease, diagnosis and treatment.

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Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 9: Lyme Disease

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Lyme disease—the prevention, stages of lyme disease, symptoms of lyme disease, diagnosis and treatment.

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Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 8: Nursing Care of Burns - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 8: Nursing Care of Burns

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Nursing care of patients with burns, including the phases of burn care and priorities during each phase, calculating the percentage of the patient's body affect by a burn using the...

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Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 8: Nursing Care of Burns

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Nursing care of patients with burns, including the phases of burn care and priorities during each phase, calculating the percentage of the patient's body affect by a burn using the...

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Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 7: Psoriasis - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 7: Psoriasis

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

The pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis

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Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 7: Psoriasis

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

The pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of psoriasis

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Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 6: Dermatitis - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 6: Dermatitis

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

The symptoms and treatment of common forms of dermatitis, including: contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis (i.e., eczema), and seborrheic dermatitis.

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 6: Dermatitis

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

The symptoms and treatment of common forms of dermatitis, including: contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis (i.e., eczema), and seborrheic dermatitis.

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 5: Herpes Simplex Virus and Herpes Zoster - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 5: Herpes Simplex Virus and Herpes Zoster

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Viral skin infections, including herpes simplex virus (HSV) and herpes zoster (shingles). The pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, nursing care, patient teaching, annd prevention associated with HSV and herpes zoster.

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 5: Herpes Simplex Virus and Herpes Zoster

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Viral skin infections, including herpes simplex virus (HSV) and herpes zoster (shingles). The pathophysiology, signs/symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, nursing care, patient teaching, annd prevention associated with HSV and herpes zoster.

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 4: Bacterial & Fungal Skin Infections - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 4: Bacterial & Fungal Skin Infections

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Bacterial skin infections, including: folliculitis, furuncles, and cellulitis. Fungal skin infections, including tinea infections (i.e., dermatophytosis) and candidiasis. The signs/symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and patient teaching associated with these integumentary disorders.

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 4: Bacterial & Fungal Skin Infections

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Bacterial skin infections, including: folliculitis, furuncles, and cellulitis. Fungal skin infections, including tinea infections (i.e., dermatophytosis) and candidiasis. The signs/symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and patient teaching associated with these integumentary disorders.

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 3: Diagnostic Tests - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 3: Diagnostic Tests

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Diagnostic tests for the integumentary system, including a culture and sensitivity, tzanck smear, and potassium hydroxide (KOH) test.

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 3: Diagnostic Tests

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

Diagnostic tests for the integumentary system, including a culture and sensitivity, tzanck smear, and potassium hydroxide (KOH) test.

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 2: Pressure Injuries - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 2: Pressure Injuries

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

The pathophysiology of pressure injuries, risk factors that make a patient at higher risk for pressure injuries, and assessment of a patient's risk for skin breakdown. Pressure injury staging, explaining...

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 2: Pressure Injuries

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

The pathophysiology of pressure injuries, risk factors that make a patient at higher risk for pressure injuries, and assessment of a patient's risk for skin breakdown. Pressure injury staging, explaining...

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 1: Anatomy & Physiology Review - LevelUpRN

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 1: Anatomy & Physiology Review

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A review of the anatomy and physiology of the integumentary system. The key components and functions of the integumentary system. Wound healing by primary intention, secondary intention, and tertiary intention....

Med-Surg - Integumentary System, part 1: Anatomy & Physiology Review

Cathy Parkes RN, BSN, PHN, CWCN

A review of the anatomy and physiology of the integumentary system. The key components and functions of the integumentary system. Wound healing by primary intention, secondary intention, and tertiary intention....