Health Assessment

Musculoskeletal & Neurological Assessment (3)

Health Assessment, part 40: Extremity Assessment & Tests

Meris Shuwarger BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

Components of extremity assessment, along with reviewing some important upper extremity assessment tests (e.g., modified Allen test, Phalen test, Tinel test). Be sure to stay to the end to test...

Health Assessment, part 40: Extremity Assessment & Tests

Meris Shuwarger BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

Components of extremity assessment, along with reviewing some important upper extremity assessment tests (e.g., modified Allen test, Phalen test, Tinel test). Be sure to stay to the end to test...

Health Assessment, part 39: Spinal Curvatures & Joint Movements

Health Assessment, part 39: Spinal Curvatures & Joint Movements

Meris Shuwarger BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

Curvatures of the spine (e.g., normal curvatures, kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis) and joint movements (e.g., flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation).

Health Assessment, part 39: Spinal Curvatures & Joint Movements

Meris Shuwarger BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

Curvatures of the spine (e.g., normal curvatures, kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis) and joint movements (e.g., flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, circumduction, rotation).

Health Assessment, part 38: Musculoskeletal Assessment

Health Assessment, part 38: Musculoskeletal Assessment

Meris Shuwarger BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

Basic components of a musculoskeletal assessment, including how to assess muscle strength.

Health Assessment, part 38: Musculoskeletal Assessment

Meris Shuwarger BSN, RN, CEN, TCRN

Basic components of a musculoskeletal assessment, including how to assess muscle strength.