In this article, we cover hemostatic agents and thrombolytic medications that work to either help form (hemostatic) or dissolve (thrombolytic) blood clots in the body. We also cover the medication epoetin alfa, which is used to treat anemia, and filgrastim, which is used to treat neutropenia. The Nursing Pharmacology video series follows along with our Pharmacology Flashcards, which are intended to help RN and PN nursing students study for nursing school exams, including the ATI, HESI, and NCLEX.
Pharmacology - Nursing Flashcards
Hemostatic agent - fibrinolysis inhibitor: aminocaproic acid
Aminocaproic acid (Amicar) is in a class of medications called hemostatics. This medication is used to treat hemorrhaging (excessive bleeding) and acts as an inhibitor of fibrinolysis, thereby treating bleeding caused by blood clots being broken down too quickly.
Hemostatics are medications to stop bleeding, which you can always remember if you break the word down into its parts. Hemo- means bleeding, and -static comes from -stasis which means to slow or stop. We created our Medical Terminology flashcards to make breaking down words into their parts easy, so you never have to be confused by an unfamiliar word on an exam!
Mode of action
Aminocaproic acid works by inhibiting the activation of plasminogen (the inactive precursor of the enzyme plasmin, present in blood), which must be activated to dissolve fibrin and therefore allows for the formation of clots.
Amigo, someone popped a cap in you, and you're bleeding. Let me get you some aminocaproic acid.
Side effects
Side effects with aminocaproic acid include possible GI upset and hypotension. Patients are also at risk of a thromboembolism, which is the formation of a clot (thrombus) that breaks loose and is carried by the blood stream causing a blockage.
Nursing care
When caring for a patient on aminocaproic acid, you’ll want to regularly assess them for bleeding. Hypercoagulation, which is a condition that causes your blood to clot more easily than normal, is also a risk of this medication and something to look out for by assessing for changes like calf pain, positive Homan's sign, red streaking up the legs, or sudden onset chest pain and dyspnea.
Thrombolytic medications - alteplase, reteplase, streptokinase
Alteplase (Activase, t-PA), streptokinase (Streptase) and reteplase (Retavase), known as “clot-busting” drugs, are used to dissolve a clot (thrombus) and reopen an artery or vein. They are commonly used in patients that have had a heart attack, stroke, deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism and occlusion (blockage or closing) of a peripheral artery or indwelling catheter.
Alteplase goes to the place where there is a blood clot and breaks it up.
Side effect
The key side effect for these types of medications is bleeding.
These medications are contraindicated in patients who have had a hemorrhagic stroke, internal bleeding, a recent trauma/surgery, and severe hypertension.
If the patient receives alteplase for an ischemic stroke, administer it within three hours of the onset of symptoms.
Nursing care
When caring for a patient on alteplase, you’ll want to closely monitor the patient's labs and vital signs and limit any kind of blood draws or intramuscular injections due to the risk of bleeding. Administration of this medication requires informed consent, so ensure that the physician has obtained informed consent prior to the nurse administering it.
Erythropoiesis growth factor - epoetin alfa
Epoetin alfa (Epogen) is a medication used to treat anemia (low red blood cell count) in patients who have chronic kidney disease, HIV, and in patients receiving chemotherapy for cancer that does not involve the bone marrow or blood cells.
Mode of action
Epoetin alfa (Epogen) works by stimulating bone marrow to increase the production of red blood cells and is very similar to the natural substance in your body (erythropoietin) that prevents anemia.
Taking epoetin alfa will fix your anemia so you can grow up to be a strong alpha male.
Side effects
Epoetin alfa has a key side effect of hypertension. Patients are also at an increased risk of developing a deep vein thrombosis, a stroke, myocardial infarction (heart attack) and seizures.
Black box warning
Epoetin alfa also carries a black box warning due to the increased risk of stroke and heart attack.
When administering epoetin alfa to patients you should not agitate or shake the vial, because this denatures (unfolds) the proteins in the medication and causes it to become biologically inactive.
What to monitor
When caring for a patient on this medication, you’ll want to monitor their blood pressure due to the side effect of hypertension. The patient's hemoglobin and hematocrit levels will also need to be monitored during therapy and you’ll also need to ensure that the patient is getting enough iron to support the production of red blood cells. You may need to provide an iron supplement.
Colony stimulating factor / leukopoietic growth factor: filgrastim
Filgrastim (Neupogen) is a key medication used to treat neutropenia, which results from an abnormally low number of neutrophils (a type of white blood cell) in the blood. Low neutrophil counts place patients at a high risk for infection and usually occur following chemotherapy or radiation poisoning and in patients with HIV/AIDS.
Mode of action
Filgrastim works by causing bone marrow to increase the production of neutrophils, which helps to prevent infection in neutropenic patients.
You fill up on neutrophils with filgrastim.
Side effects
Side effects of filgrastim include bone pain, leukocytosis (high white blood cell count), and splenomegaly. Splenomegaly is a fun word that you can easily break down to understand its meaning. Spleno- means spleen and -megaly means enlargement! This prefix and suffix are also covered in our Medical Terminology Flashcards.
When administering filgrastim to a patient, do not agitate or shake the vial, as this can denature the proteins and render the drug ineffective. The patient's complete blood count (CBC) levels will also need to be monitored during therapy.